Back, hip and pelvic girdle pain
This page describes a pelvic floor treatment based on the arthro myofacial treatment method using facial manipulations as triggers within the 4xT method. Steps 1 and 2 are repeated until the client indicates no more pain or truly improved mobility; then step 3 is performed. Sometimes steps 1 and 2 are then repeated to get even better results. Step 4 is essential for immediate, more lasting results.
1. Testing
With the Pelvic Trainer we test the activity of the core. We measure this real-time and objectively, which is unique! As we say in the 4xT method: When does it get better? Like this or like this?
2. Trigger
We do this by applying fascial manipulation in positive direction of tests for this. This gives immediate results.
3. Easytaping
With EasyTaping the fascia can be manipulated in the positive direction. So we apply the tape in the direction which feels best for the patient.
4. Training
Measuring has given a baseline but also the best (most effective) position for training now combined with real time feedback. The feedback is obtained WITHOUT intimate palpation. This means that the patient can sit on the Pelvictrainer with clothing on, without the need to insert anything internally.
Stress and relaxation
The technology can also measure breathing and heart rate (pulsations) in conjunction with stress and, in this case, precisely relaxation of the pelvic floor. We know that many pain complaints are stress-related, so Pelvictrainer is also ideally suited to train relaxation to reduce or even eliminate pain.

Standout through innovation: that is the mission of Msys Medical Systems®. Because we believe in great products and solutions that contribute to healthcare.
The products of Msys are the tools for you for effective movement therapy for patients: based on measurement, testing, training, treatment, recording and evaluation.
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