Pain symptoms in low back pain
Pain in the pelvis occurs because the pelvic floor muscle is too tense. Thus, an unstable low back can give overactivity in the pelvic floor, which can cause an adverse effect in the back and pelvic floor. In this case there is fascilitation, the pelvic floor muscle takes over functions from other muscles.
On the other hand, the pelvic floor muscle can also exert too little activity because otherwise the body experiences pain. Consider, for example, lack of mobility in joints, such as ankle or knees.
Role of the pelvis
The activity of the pelvic floor muscle is out of balance.
Pelvic floor muscle training does not take place until balance is regained and then focuses on either relaxing or tightening (depending on the interrupter, see below).
Treatment for lower back pain
Physical therapy treatment focuses mainly on identifying why the so-called inhibition (suppression) or fasciculations (activation) occur.
The pelvic floor is part of a morphological and functional whole. Similarly, dysfunctions of the back-pelvic hip complex can lead to hypertonia and/or inhibition of surrounding muscles, including the pelvic floor.
Using the 4xT Method, it is easy to test which jammers lead to fasciculation and/or inhibition of the pelvic floor. Pelvic floor physical therapy according to the new 4xT protocol, is based on an arthro myofascial approach. Pelvic rehabilitation includes pelvic floor training and cross walk as training.
The Pelvictrainer®
The Pelvictrainer® registers externally the degree of activity in your pelvic floor muscle and shows this in the form of a signal on a screen (bio feedback). You sit on the chair with your clothes on.
Using the Pelvic Trainer
Both the therapist and the patient immediately see, in real time, the activity of the pelvic floor in a safe situation.
Pelvic floor relaxation training for low back pain

Pain reduction is the therapeutic goal. Once this is achieved by relaxing and training the pelvic floor at low forces for long periods of time, then balance is regained and can be moved on to more strength training (tightening and relaxing).
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What can I do?
If you are interested in non-internal pelvic exercise with biofeedback, ask your fitness practitioner or (pelvic) physical therapist for use of the Pelvictrainer®.

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