Incontinence treatment for unwanted urine loss
Incontinence occurs when you lose urine or stool involuntarily. There are several causes and forms of incontinence:
✓ Stress incontinence (stress incontinence from coughing, etc.).
✓ Urge / urge incontinence
✓ Fecal incontinence (defecation).
Side forms:
✓ Reflex incontinence
✓ Extra urethal incontinence
✓ Droplet incontinence
✓ Neurogenic incontinence
Several forms of incontinence can occur at the same time. It is wise to consult your doctor to find out which form of incontinence you have.
Role of the pelvic floor
With incontinence, often the sphincter and/or pelvic floor muscles do not work properly. The main cause for this is pelvic floor weakness due to inactivity, predisposition, pregnancy or hormonal changes.
Initial treatment for incontinence focuses on learning how to tighten and strengthen the pelvic floor using pelvic physical therapy. It is quite possible to restore strength to these muscles so that they provide a better receptacle for the bladder.
Incontinence of feces (fecal) can have several causes:
✓ Damage or loosening of the sphincter muscle.
✓ Prolapse
✓ Constipation
✓ Inflammation
✓ Damage to nerves that control the sphincter and pelvic floor muscles.
Treatment is very diverse, for example, training, surgery and replacement of sphincter muscles. As far as sphincter treatment is concerned, pelvic physiotherapy and bio feedback can be used to strengthen or relax muscle strength.
Use of the Pelvictrainer®
The Pelvictrainer® registers externally the degree of activity in your pelvic floor muscle and shows this in the form of a signal on a screen (bio feedback). You sit on the chair with your clothes on and can train in this way.
Steps in pelvic floor muscle training
1. Pelvic floor muscle awareness
With the Pelvictrainer® you can choose Open training in which you can tighten or relax your pelvic floor muscle with instruction from your physiotherapist. The idea is, that you get the feeling that you are training the right muscle and also to what extent you can tighten and relax it.
2. Increase endurance
With endurance training the pelvic floor muscle is tensed for a long time at a low effort (as a rule 30% of the maximum measured achievable effort). Should you find it difficult to relax, the duration for relaxation is increased.
3. Increase strength and coordination
If you are able to tense your pelvic floor for a prolonged period of time and then relax sufficiently well, the treatment proceeds to more intensive strength training. In the Basic training the intensity is increased in steps from 50% to 70%.
As soon as you reach 70 %, you can also train for speed. In the advanced training, you should do fast muscle tightening. This very training is important for recovering from and preventing stress incontinence.
In severe forms of incontinence, exercises will not produce results or will not produce sufficient results.
The information on this website is not intended to diagnose health problems or prescribe treatment or products, download the Disclaimer for further provisions.
What can I do?
If you are interested in non-internal pelvic exercise with biofeedback, ask your fitness practitioner or (pelvic) physical therapist for use of the Pelvictrainer®.

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The products of Msys are the tools for you for effective movement therapy for patients: based on measurement, testing, training, treatment, recording and evaluation.
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